Panel 74 Chair: Jade M.
Corrections Committee Workbook
The purpose of a corrections committee is to coordinate the work of individual A.A. members and groups who are interested in carrying our message of recovery to incarcerated alcoholics. Bringing meetings and literature into facilities, raising awareness of the Corrections Correspondence Service (C.C.S.) among “inside” and “outside” A.A. members, and helping inmates transition to a local A.A. Community through Pre-release contacts are just some of the activities corrections committees support. (From website)
- Suggested sobriety: 2 years.
- Attend at least 6 Area Corrections meetings per year and report to the district on activities.
- Form, maintain, and facilitate a District 4 Corrections Committee made up of GSRs and interested members.
- Encourage GSRs to promote Corrections Correspondence with their groups.
- Coordinate with Harbor Area Central Office Liaison to utilize the use of Harbor Area for receipt and relay of correspondence for members who prefer not giving out the personal home addresses.
- Pre-Release Contact
- Be the contact point for GSO for inmate placement in prerelease contacts for inmates being paroled in District 4.
- Obtain contact information and names of groups willing to take in parolees into their groups upon release.
- Send inmate information on groups willing to take them in as members after release and provide personal contact information when provided.
- General Service Office – Maintain open communications with the corrections Desk at the General Service Office (GSO).