Webmail Login/FAQ
Log into webmail
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions are Accordion Style:
Click/Tap any Question to Open/Close the Answer.
How can I setup a signature?
- Open the preferences panel of your mailbox by clicking the gear icon near your email address in the top left section.
- Select “Mail” in the left navigation menu.
- Click “IMAP ACCOUNTS” from the options at the top of the screen.
- Click the pen icon to the far right of your email address, and expand identities section.
- In the Signature section create your signature.
- When finished click “OK” at the bottom of the form.
- Click the green floppy disk icon near the top left of the page to save your changes.
What is my username to login?
Your username is your complete email address (example@longbeachaa.org).
What if I forgot my password?
Send an email to webmaster@LongBeachAA.org or use the contact form and request it be reset.
Can I change my password and make it easier to remember?
- Open the preferences panel of your mailbox by clicking the gear icon near your email address in the top left section.
- Select “General” in the left navigation menu.
- Click/tap “Password” from the options at the top of the screen.
- Input your current password in the first field.
- Input your new password in the second field.
- Input your new password again in the third field.
Can I edit forward options?
- Open the preferences panel of your mailbox by clicking the gear icon near your email address in the top left section.
- Select “Mail” in the left navigation menu.
- Click/tap “Forward” from the options at the top of the screen.
- Make sure "Forward incoming messages" is checked.
- Input any number of email addresses you'd like a copy forwarded to.
- Click/tap the "X" next to any email address you no longer want a copy forwarded to.
- Lastly, check or uncheck the "Keep a copy" checkbox to continue or discontinue using webmail.