Panel 70 Chair: Joy M.
The primary purpose of members involved in Public Information Service work is to carry the AA message to the still suffering alcoholic.
Public Information conveys AA information to the general public through activities such as providing AA resources and literature to schools, colleges and libraries.
Also, Public Information Committee members may give AA informational talks to civic and city organizations as well as schools and public service departments.
Insuring local media have accurate information and providing them with the latest AA public service announcements are also ways the Public Information Committee can be useful.
While there is some overlap between PI and CPC, Public Information serves the community at large, in the hope that doing so, will ultimately help the alcoholic.
District 04 is here to answer any of your PI questions and to help facilitate your Public Information Committee goals (excerpts taken from the Public Information Workbook 1994)
1. Attend all (no less than 6) Area Public Information Committee meetings and report to the District on Pl activities.
2. Form and maintain a District Public Information Committee made up of GSRs and other interested members.
3. Develop District-approved and -funded PI projects (e.g., those found in the “Public Information Workbook”). Report on their status at District meetings.
4. Provide the DCMC a monthly written report on the status of all Public Information projects that District 4 ls involved with.