February 2, 2022, HTML Business Meeting Minutes
District 04, MSCA 09
Business Meeting February 2, 2022
February 2, 2022
Notice of the regularly scheduled monthly business meeting was distributed via e-mail. The agenda and notice that District 04 meetings are regularly held on the 1st Wednesday of each month also appears on the District 04 website on the For GSRs, D04 Business meetings page, along with the materials for the meeting.
Attendees: 26
Call to Order and Welcome: Following the Serenity Prayer, the District Committee Member Chair (DCMC) called the meeting to order and welcomed attendees.
Opening Prayer/Readings: Readings included the GSR Preamble read by Jenipher, Tradition Two from the Twelve Traditions Checklist read by Josh P. and Concept II, from the Twelve Concepts Checklist read by Jim D.
Introduction of New GSRs: Done by Gregory J.
Carolyn S. – Winner’s Circle
Patrick – Winner’s Circle Alternate
Ralph – The Twelve and Twelve Group
Gregory J. Over 50 Group
Steve M. – The Belmont Heights Men Stag
Review and approval of prior business meeting minutes: DCMC called for review and a motion for approval of the minutes of the January 5, 2022 business meeting.
MOTION: A motion was duly made by Chris P. and seconded by Matthew L. to approve the minutes of the District 04 business meeting held on January 5, 2022 as written.
VOTE: The motion passed
Officer Reports
DCMC: Maryka de Orla
Preconference workshop is February 12th. There is a virtual orientation for the pre-conference workshop. Information will be posted on longbeachaa.org website.
Alt DCMC: Angela is the international conference liaison and will be relaying information about said conference when it becomes available.
District 4 is hosting an area assembly in June and Angela will be procuring a location for said assembly.
Treasurer: Chris P.
January 2022 income $839.84
January 2022 expenses $257.21
January 2022 net income $582.63
Balance of account at 01/31/2022 $9685.90
The full report can be accessed online at www.longbeachaa.org
Registrar: Matthew announced attendance being taking and recorded with registrar.
New GSRs should complete the NEW GSR form which is available on the District’s website here. The form, when completed by the GSR, should be returned to the District 04 registrar via e-mail at registrar@longbeachaa.org.
Secretary: Bryce T. introduced herself as new District 4 secretary.
Committee Reports & Co-Coordinating Committees
Corrections committee- no report (panels at terminal island still occurring)
Mid Southern California Area 09 Meeting Highlights:
Budget for 2022 passed. Guidelines for various service committees were approved. Revised edition of the area 9 by laws is in commission. District 4 will be hosting zoom assembly. Volunteers are needed.
Old Business: No old business
New Business:
Election of District Committee Members (Angela B.)
Angela informed the group of the DCM position, role & responsibilities, 9 sub districts.
South West DCM Open Position
North West DCM Open Position
North East DCM Tyler K. stood for position.
South East DCM Open Position
Rossmore Los Alamitos DCM Debra L. stood for position.
Women’s Meetings DCM Maryka asked Debra to volunteer, Debra L. accepted
Men’s Meetings DCM Open Position
LGBTQ+ Meetings DCM Open Position
Marina Pacifica DCM Jim P. has served for two years, made himself available if no one else would like to stand for the position.
Debra L. has templates to assist GSRs/DCMs in announcements and taking reports back to their groups and made herself available to share resources such as recordings, resources and workshops, to further assist.
Election of Virtual Facilitator
Maryka informed the group of role and responsibility.
Gerry was nominated by Maryka to continue in the position.
Gerry accepted.
PRAASA (Pacific Region Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly) will be virtual this year. PRASA is in March 4th – 6th and registration is now open. District 1 will pay for GSR registration. Email Chris at Treasurer@longbeachaa.org and ask to be reimbursed for registration.
Remote communities committee (any person or group with a barrier – socioeconomic, gender, language, etc. – between the individual and receiving the message).
The standing committee is beginning their Boots on the Ground Initiative in Long Beach, Anaheim and one other location. The committee is looking to engage with the LGBTQ+, unhoused persons through Mental Health America, The Village, The Center, and an undisclosed domestic violence shelter. Curated bags will be brought to these facilities with carefully chosen AA literature, resource material, survival gear, and pamphlets. Each bag costs approximately $30/$40 to curate.
Maryka proposed a contribution of $400.00 from District 04 to create these bags specifically for the Long Beach remote communities.
Chris (treasurer)reported that the funds are available.
Discussion proceeded.
Maryka clarified that The Remote Communities Committee will also be using their budgeted funds for the material, bags will go to previously listed organizations and the staff at facilities will distribute the bags to individuals. Jim D. clarified H&I’s access to literature, and their budget to specifically meet these needs, suggested engagement with H&I.
Chris P. made a motion to contribute $400.00 to the mid southern California Area 09 Remote Communities Committee for their Boots on The Ground Initiative in Long Beach.
Jenipher Seconded the motion.
Jim P. shared minority opinion, Julie G. asked for clarification of where the other budget was. No motion to revote.
Motion was passed.
GSR Concerns:
Matthew L. announced open website committee positions. Matthew made himself available to continue as chair of the website committee.
Chris P. asked that the committee positions left vacant during January’s business meeting be discussed in March’s business meeting.
Julie G. would like to bring information back to her virtual group about the DCM positions. Members of her group are all over the nation and wants to know if she should discuss the DCM positions with her group. Gregory clarified that DCM’s should serve the area where they’re represented. Additionally, he noted in the future we may need virtual DCM’s but at the moment there are many DCM positions that need to be filled. Debra further clarified the DCM roles and responsibilities.
Jim P. asked if we are requesting that virtual meetings register with GSO. Gregory clarified there are no requests being made. Suggestion was made to ask virtual groups “How would you like to register with GSO?”. Avonnee informed the group of how their virtual group received the information to get a GSR and register. She shared that having an individual come to the group and inform them of the process was extremely helpful.
Debra L shared that the P16 pamphlet answers many of the questions posed.
Gregory J. the financial situation is currently very positive, but the amount of money may be exceeding the minimum requirement for a 501c3. Chris P. is in the process of acquiring this information. Chris P. will bring the information to the next business meeting for discussion.
Maryka agreed to add this discussion to the agenda.
Angela reminded the group that being a new panel, we will be using a lot of the funds we currently hold.
Announcements/upcoming events:
Jenipher announced Surrender is Freedom every day at 7:00am
in person meetings will be closed until February 9th, 2022 (still meeting virtually)
Longbeachaa.org is now linked to the new Riverside Archives (Area 09 Archives) website.
International Women’s Conference is next week virtually, contact Angela B. for more information
Pow-Wow Convention is in early June with information accessible through google.com
Angela asked that discussion on acquiring more stickers be brought to our next meeting.
A. A. Birthdays since last meeting:
Josh P – 2 Years Sober
Lei – 6 Years Sober
Bryce T. – 8 Years Sober
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned following the recitation of the A. A. Responsibility Statement at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Bryce T.
District 04 MSCA 09 Secretary
For questions about these minutes, or issues about contact information or receipt of notifications, please contact the District Secretary @ secretary@longbeachaa.org
Next MSCA Area ASC: Sunday, February 13 @ 9:00 a.m.
Next District 04 Meeting: Wednesday, March 2 @ 7:00 p.m.