March 2, 2022
Notice of the regularly scheduled monthly business meeting was distributed via e-mail. The agenda and notice that District 04 meetings are regularly held on the 1st Wednesday of each month also appears on the District 04 website on the For GSRs, D04 Business meetings page, along with the materials for the meeting.
Attendees: 25 Participants
- Call to Order and Welcome: Maryka informed all participants that the meeting will be recorded. Following the Serenity Prayer, the District Committee Member Chair (DCMC) called the meeting to order and welcomed attendees.
- Opening Prayer/Readings: Readings included the GSR Preamble read by Carolyn S., Tradition Three from the Twelve Traditions Checklist read by Linnea and Concept II, from the Twelve Concepts Checklist read by Meg S.
- Introduction of New GSRs:
– No New GSR’s - Review and approval of prior business meeting minutes: DCMC called for review and a motion for approval of the minutes of the February 2, 2022 business meeting.
- MOTION: A motion was duly made by Angela B. and seconded by Carolyn S. to approve the minutes of the District 04 business meeting held on February 2, 2022 as written.
- VOTE: The motion passed
- Officer Reports
a) DCMC: Maryka
– H&I meeting was attended by Linnea and Maryka.
– District 2 DCMC Tanya D. voiced an interest in getting involved in the Area 09 Remote Communities Committee. District 2 has contributed big books to the AA bags being distributed by Remote Communities Committee. Funding provided by Area 09 has enabled the committee to order literature to compile said bags.
– PRASA begins on Friday. Reimbursement available through Chris P. (treasurer)
b) Alt DCMC: Angela B
– 400 Area09 District04 stickers will be ordered
– Area Service Assembly (hosted by our district in June) is approaching. Angela is exploring venues. Stickers will be added to pamphlets distributed at the Area Assembly. Insurance required for venue; Angela has contacted Rich to acquire event insurance.
– PRASA also includes ALANON participation. PRASA is opened to all AA Members.
– Attended International Women’s Conference in New Mexico. Next year the conference will be Valentine’s Day weekend in Dallas Texas https://internationalwomensconference.org.
c) Registrar: Matthew L.
- New GSRs should complete the NEW GSR form which is available on the District’s website here. The form, when completed by the GSR, should be returned to the District 04 registrar via e-mail at registrar@longbeachaa.org.
- Attendance taken for zoom meeting
- 4 new meetings have been added to contribution page. Meeting numbers are available on the contribution page. Meetings that need new group numbers need to contact Matthew to update their information.
- New group numbers needed for the groups listed below
Women’s Step Study-Marina Vista Park tu-6:30
000092667 At AA
000014874 Round Robin (https://hacoaa.org/meetings/tues-night-round-robin/)
000109574 MWA
*pls reg grp Wed Night Big Book @ St. Gregory’s
*000090452 As Bill Sees It (part of 12×12?)
000062907 Living Sober
000105955 Friday Night B.B. Lakewood
– No Report
e) Treasurer: Chris P- February 2022 income $ 300.86
- February 2022 expenses $ 328.61
- Balance of account at 01/31/2022 $9883.21
- The full report can be accessed online at www.longbeachaa.org
- Mid Southern California Area 09 Update
– Preconference mock event April 10th 2022 in District 6, location and further information will be released soon.
– Preconference workshop the first Wednesday in April and group conferences from GSR’s will be taken on topics discussed.
– Conference Agenda items available on longbeachaa.org
– Area 09 will make a google form for the 80+ Agenda items and a simplified google form with 10-12 of the most prevalent agenda items will be created. Forms can be brough to groups by GSR’s to collect group conscience.
– March 20th inter district boot camp will have abridged copies of background info on conference topic items and information on the hot topics. This is very helpful to gather information for groups. - Committee Reports & Co-Coordinating Committees
a) Gerry (Area09 Archivist) made an announcement about Archive Open House. Theme: Past Women Delegates The open house will be held virtual. March 26th 10am-1pm.
Flyer available on longbeachaa.org.
Zoom ID: 833 6567 4731
Password: 883152
b) Maryka reported that the LGBT+ committee have ordered business cards, set up a google voice number and there is a QR code on the business card that will connect individuals to the web page.
c) Linnea reported gathering further information on treatment and cooperation with the professional communities. She reported attending H∓I meetings and exploring temporary contact for individuals in inpatient facilitates.
d) Mathew reported that the website is making new additions. - Old Business:
a) Open Positions for Service Committee Chairs and DCM’s
- Finance Committee Chair – no on stood for position
- Grapevine Committee– no on stood for position
- Literature Committee– no on stood for position
- Special Needs and Accessibility Coordination Liaison
- Carolyn S. made herself available.
- Hospital and Institutions Coordination Liaison – no on stood for position
- YPAA Coordinating Committee Liaison– no on stood for position
- Josh made himself available through proxy
- Northwest DCM– no one stood for position
- Southwest DCM– no one stood for position
- Southeast DCM– no one stood for position
- Men’s’ groups DCM– no one stood for position
- New Business:
a) Overview of 2022 Conference Agenda Items by MSCA 09 Delegate (Mitchell B.)
- On http://msca09aa.org agenda item review documents are available (yellow highlighted items indicate items groups may wish to comment on).
- Click heading Delegate
- Choose Confidential Resources. Password: area09Panel72
- Documents will be listed on the page that follows
- A list of agenda items can be found on https://www.longbeachaa.org/72nd-general-service-conference-committees-agenda-items/
- Bringing agenda feedback from groups is helpful for delegate to accurately articulate group conscious at conference
- District 04 Area 09 Meeting recording is password protected and available on www.longbeachaa.org. Matthew’s overview begins approximately 40 minutes into the recording. GSRs can review recording to gather agenda item to bring back to their groups.
- Angela asked Mitchell about preamble agenda item, the conference will be addressing the previous modification made to the preamble and the impact of the change that was made.
c) At 8:32pm Maryka asked for a burning desire and New Business was closed - On http://msca09aa.org agenda item review documents are available (yellow highlighted items indicate items groups may wish to comment on).
- A. A. Birthdays since last meeting:
- Billy M. celebrated 8 years 3/2/2022
- Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned following the recitation of the A. A. Responsibility Statement at 8:35 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted by:
Bryce T.
District 04 MSCA 09 Secretary
For questions about these minutes, or issues about contact information or receipt of notifications, please contact the District Secretary @ secretary@longbeachaa.org
Next MSCA Area ASC: Sunday, March 13 @ 9:00 a.m.
Next District 04 Meeting: Wednesday, April 6 @ 7:00 p.m.