January 5, 2022 Minutes
Attendees: 28 (“Elect” signifies voted into the position at this meeting)
Angela B Willing to Grow/Alt DCMC Elect, Avonee D Early Birds MP, Billy M Intimacy in Recovery, Bryce T Friday Night Participation/Secretary Elect, Carly A CPC Chair-Elect, Chris P Keep It Simple and Treasurer, David K Bellflower Big Book and Archives Chair Elect, Debra L DCM Los Altos/GSR Belmont Heights Public Information Chair Elect/Harbor Area Service Comm. Liaison Elect, Gerry W Panel 70 Archivist/Panel 72 Area 09 Archivist, Gregory J Website Submissions Secretary/GSR School Chair Elect, Jenipher Surrender is Freedom, Jim D Corrections Chair Elect, Josh P Faith in Action, Karen F GSR, Linnea M Treatment Chair/Acting Secretary, Maryka d DCMC, Matthew L Registrar, Meg S GSR, Mercedelei M LGBTQ Chair Elect, Mike R GSR, Patrick O Webmaster, Ralph M GSR, Rick J Naples Mens Stage and departing Finance Chair, Samantha G Tues Womens As Bill Sees It, Tyler K Under the Bridge, Wilson C Panel 70 Registrar, and Guests: Manya W Area 09 Panel 72 Secretary, Mitchell B Delegate Elect Area 09
Call to Order and Welcome: Following the Serenity Prayer, DCMC Maryka d called the meeting to order and welcomed attendees.
Opening Prayer & Readings: The GSR Preamble was read by Debra L, Tradition One from the Twelve Traditions Checklist was read by Avonee D, and Concept I from the Twelve Concepts Checklist was read by Carly A.
Introduction of New GSR’s: Samantha G, Tuesday As Bill Sees It MiraMar Womens, Mike G Crack the Big Book and Ralph M Long Beach 12 & 12.
Review and Approval of Prior Business Meeting Minutes: Maryka d called for review and a motion to approve the December 1, 2021 business meeting minutes.
Motion to approve by Chris P, seconded by Gregory J, passed with no discussion -
Officer Reports:
DCMC: Maryka d thanked Gerry W for making new Power Point slides and facilitating the meeting, Linnea M. for serving as Secretary, and Matthew L for being the meeting host and tracking attendance anyone else? She noted that: the District meets on the first Wednesday of every month at 7 PM on Zoom, agenda and minutes posted on the District website Longbeachaa.org; the GSR School Chair will reach out to the new GSR’s; and, the Steering Committee, comprised of the five District Officers, meets the Tuesday before the District business meeting every month and anyone is welcome to audit that meeting. She introduced our guests: Manya W, Area O9 Secretary and Mitchell B Area 09 Delegate, to facilitate the election of two Officer positions, as well as Panel 70 District Registrar Wilson to facilitate the election of Standing Committee Chairs, and Coordinating Committee Liaisons. Maryka invited anyone to call her with questions or concerns.
Registrar: Matthew L reported that he is keeping records up to date, will record attendance to assist the Secretary, and has been using a General Service Office online program to confirm group registrations with GSO. He asked new GSR’s to register using the form provided on the District website.
Treasurer: Chris P reviewed the income, $295.90 (PayPal and checks), and expenses for the past month, reporting a balance of &9,103.27 as of January 3rd. Gregory J asked about the transition from the former Treasurer and obtaining the PO Box key. Chris responded that the transition will be complete very soon.
Mid Southern CA Area 09 Update: Maryka d explained that the Area meets the second Sunday of every month, virtually and in-person, beginning with registration at 8:30 AM, with sessions involving delegate and officers’ reports and committee work starting at 9 AM, with the business meeting between noon and 2 PM. New GSR’s and any District Chair or Officer are encouraged to attend and to sign up for Area 09 newsletters and notice at MSCA09aa.org, where the home page has a “subscribe here” button. Mitchell B explained that the January meeting will be the first for Panel 72, and rules regarding prior attendance to qualify to vote will be suspended to allow new GSR’s to vote for Standing Committee Chairs.
Standing Committee and Co Coordinating Committee Reports: None were made.
Old Business:
a. Motion by Gregory J, seconded by Angela B:
All virtual AA groups are valid District 4 groups if they originate or have members who reside in MSCA 09 Dis 04. They will be recognized as District 4 Area 9 groups as long as they have no GSR representation in other districts or areas of the general service structure.
The motion passed with no further discussion. -
New Business:
a. Election of District Officers
Mitchell explained that the Officers are chosen in accordance with the Third Legacy by a two-thirds vote, reviewed the requirements and qualifications for each position, and called for anyone interested to stand for these positions. When no one came forward, we moved onto the remaining positions. Gregory J encouraged people not to be overwhelmed by the virtual meeting, which has kept us from experiencing the real camaraderie of this group, and not to be intimidated by the responsibilities of the offices and the accomplishments of prior office holders, to know that they would receive the full support and assistance needed from members of the Executive Board. Manya W spoke about her experiences on the District 6 Board and at Area 09. Chris P created polling forms to tabulate the votes. The outcome of the elections are as follows.
Alternate DCMC – Angela B
Secretary – Bryce T
b. Election of Standing Committee Chairs and Coordinating Committee Liaisons: Wilson C reviewed the requirements and duties of each position and facilitated the voting process. At 8:28, Debra L made a motion, seconded by Matthew L, to extend the meeting for 10 minutes to complete the elections. The outcome of the elections are as follows.
Archives Committee Chair – David K
Cooperation with the Professional Community (CPC) Chair – Carly A
Finance Committee Chair – not filled
Grapevine Committee Chair – not filled
GSR School Committee Chair – Gregory J
Literature Committee Chair – not filled
Public Information Committee Chair – Debra L (who expressed a desire to step down as Los Altos DCM in light of this new responsibility)
Corrections Committee Chair – Jim D
LGBTQ Chair – Mercedelei M
Website Committee Chair – not filled
International Conference Committee Chair – Angela B
Special Needs and Accessibility Coordination Committee Liaison – not filled
Hospitals & Institutions Coordination Committee Liaison – not filled
Harbor Area Service Committee Liaison – Debra L (who already attends in another capacity and therefore may serve as a Chair and a Liaison)
YPAA Coordinating Committee Liaison – not filled
Note: Debra L asked that new DCMs be elected at the February meeting.
GSR Concerns
Josh P asked for help for his group in obtaining equipment and expertise in running a hybrid meeting. -
Birthdays – none reported
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned following the recitation of the A.A. Responsibility Statement at approximately 8:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted by Linnea M, Acting Secretary for the January meeting.