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WELCOME to District 04, Mid Southern California Area 09 (MSCA 09) of Alcoholics Anonymous.

This website is maintained by the District 04 Website Committee and is intended to be a repository for information about District 04 General Service. It will also direct you to A.A. meetings in the District.

Our local intergroup is the Harbor Area Central Office and is a great place to locate A.A. meetings. You will find links to that and other intergroups under LINKS.

Alcoholics Anonymous - Visit us at www.aa.org"
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  • ABOUT: General information about District 04, including current officers.
  • A.A. MEETINGS: Links to intergroups and A.A. meeting information.
  • CONTACT US: How to contact us at District 04
  • CONTRIBUTIONS: Make a contribution to District 04 on behalf of a group or individual.
  • EVENTS: Events sponsored by District 04 and Area 09; other events sponsored by neighboring Areas and Districts
  • FOR DISTRICT 04 GSRs: Meeting information including agendas and minutes of business meetings, District 04 Committee information, confidential documents, other documents and general information about service. (Password required for confidential documents)
  • ‘In Memoriam’ As we look back at the year 2021 – we take a moment to remember some of the remarkable people who graced our lives and the A.A. community…Read More
  • LINKS: Links to Mid Southern California Area 09, A.A. World Services and other related A.A. websites.

If you have any questions about this website, or would like to suggest a change or addition to our information, please fill in our form on the CONTACT page of this website.