District Officer Roles & Responsibilities
All District 4 0fficers shall perform the following duties.
- Attend all meetings of the District 4 Committee and the District 4 Steering
Committee. - Attend all (no less than 9) Area Service Committee meetings, Area Assemblies, the Servathon, the Pre-Conference Workshop, and the Foro de MSCA 9.
- Participate as a member of the District Steering Committee, the Area Service Committee, and the Assembly.
- Act as a service sponsor for replacement to ensure an orderly transfer of
District Committee Member Chair (DCMC)
- Maintain an effective service structure throughout the District.
- Appoint special committee chairs.
- Visit Groups in the District that do not have GSRs, explain the importance of Group representation in A. A. through a GSR, and encourage them to elect their own GSR.
- Visit Groups that request information on General Service, the A. A. service structure, application of the Traditions, or any other question the Group desires information on.
- Maintain custody of keys to the District meeting room.
- Attend and participate in all Area Service Committee meetings, Area Assemblies, the Servathon, the Pre-Conference Workshop. the Foro de MSCA, the Pacific Regional Alcoholics Anonymous Service Assembly (PRAASA), and the Regional Forum. Events requiring lengthy travel may be attended if the District funds permit.
- Maintain active communications between the District and the Mid-Southern California Area Delegate, the Area Service Committee, and the General Service Office of New York.
- Encourage and assist DCMs and Standing Committee Chairs to develop leadership, knowledge, experience, and dedication to General Service work.
- Submit verified and updated list of Eligible Voters in District 4 to the Area Chair at the last Area Service Committee meeting preceding the Election Assembly.
- Arrange for an experienced General Service member to conduct the District election in accordance with the Third Legacy.
- Act as a signatory for the District 4 bank account
- Ensure that the meeting room is left clean and orderly.
Alternate DCMC
- Assist the DCMC to maintain an effective service structure throughout the District.
- Substitute for the DCMC when necessary.
- Act as a signatory for the District 4 bank account.
- Maintain District records and perform secretarial services.
- Participate as a member of the District Election Committee.
- Print and distribute the monthly District Committee meeting agenda.
- Take the minutes of the District Committee meeting and the District Steering Committee meeting. Present the minutes for approval at the next District Committee meeting.
- When approved by the District Committee and corrections have been made, distribute the minutes and next District Committee meeting agenda to the Area Delegate, the Area Chair, the Conference Coordinator of the General Service Office in New York, and to District 4.
- Maintain copies of all District minutes, agenda, and correspondence in good condition.
- Ensure that the results of the District Election are distributed to District 4 and the Mid- Southern California Area, and that any reports required are promptly sent Process correspondence as required.
- Maintain District funds securely keeping accurate permanent records of District funds disbursement.
- Validate contributing Group names and registration numbers with the Registrar.
- Maintain a record of contributions to the District using the Group’s name and registration number.
- Acknowledge contributions to the district promptly by receipts to the contributors.
- Make a copy of the Treasurer’s report available to District Committee meetings for approval.
- Provide the Secretary with a copy of the approved Treasurer’s Report.
- Pass the baskets for Seventh Tradition donations and record the amount
contributed. (NOT 7th Tradition, but Coffee/Refreshments). - Ensure that District expenses, included the District Post Office Box, are paid on time.
- Maintain and update the District 4 bank account signature cards and ensure that the DCMC, Alternate DCMC, and the Treasurer are signatories on the District 4 bank account
- Maintain custody of the Treasurers’ records, District self-addressed envelopes, other Treasurer’s supplies, and the key the District Post Office Box.
- Place a supply of District self-addressed contribution envelopes on the table at each District Committee meeting for the GSRs to take to their Groups.
- Maintain accurate records of District officers, District Groups, and GSRs including name, address, and telephone number.
- Participate as a member of the District Election Committee and Area Assembly.
- Work closely with DCMs, the GSR School Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and GSRs to keep District Group records current.
- Inform the DCMC, the Area Registrar, the GSO Records Department, and/or the conference Secretary of changes in Group or officer information as necessary.
- Inform new GSRs of their Group name and number, as it is currently registered with G.S.O.
- Distribute and collect attendance sheets at District Committee meetings.
- Create and distribute District 4 Roster and reminder mailers before each District Committee meeting, District Steering Committee meeting, and MSCA meetings.
- Review and verify the MSCA Secretary’s “List of Eligible Voters” and submit to the DCMC for delivery to the Area Chair.