Literature Committee
Panel 72 Chair: Vacant
Literature published by A.A. World Services, Inc. is a resource for the recovering alcoholic and for anyone who wants to find out about Alcoholics Anonymous, its history, and how it works. General Service Conference-approved literature reflects the group conscience of the Fellowship of A.A. and includes the book Alcoholics Anonymous (affectionately known by members as the Big Book); Daily Reflections, a compilation of spiritual reflections contributed by members; books written by one of A.A.’s co-founders (such as Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions and As Bill Sees It); and a wide variety of pamphlets and booklets that deal with the Three Legacies of Alcoholics Anonymous: Recovery, Unity, and Service. A.A.W.S. publishes literature in three languages, English, Spanish and French, which reflect the three primary languages spoken in the General Service Conference structure of the United States and Canada. We also publish and license translations of the Big Book and other literature in languages and countries around the world, much of which is available in the literature catalog published by A.A. World Services, Inc. (From
Chair’s Responsibilities:
1. Attend all (no less than 6) Area Literature Committee meetings and report to the District on A. A. literature activities.
2. Become familiar with the contents ‘of A. A. literature in order to be responsive to inquiries.
3. Encourage A. A. members to become acquainted with A. A. Conference-approved literature.
4. Inform District members through displays and other suitable methods, of all available Conference-approved literature, literature catalog, audiovisual material, and other special items.
5. Maintain a supply of “GSR Starter Kits” for the GSR School.
6. Develop and maintain literature for District 4 as needed.
7. Communicate suggestions regarding proposed additions or changes in Conference-approved literature and audiovisual material to the District, the Area, and the General Service Office.
8. Maintain, update and distribute the District 4 “Welcome To General Service” pamphlet, annual calendar of events, and other information useful to District members.