A.A. In The Time of Coronavirus – A Questionnaire

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As an archivist our responsibility is to the ‘collecting, preserving and sharing the rich heritage of our fellowship.’ In the 85 years of A.A fellowship there has not been a more direct challenge to the essence of our program; one alcoholic talking to another alcoholic, as we face today. In spite of this, A.A.’s around the globe have been innovating and creating ways to keep this vital communication alive. From these challenging times there are now stories to tell. Stories of inspiration, doubt, hope, sorrow, and joy.

To that end this questionnaire has been created to give members an opportunity to express their thoughts, reflections, and feelings about the challenging times we are beginning to emerge from.

This is an opportunity to add your voice to the history of A.A. In the Time of Coronavirus.

In Trust and Service,

Gerry W

Archives Chair; District 4-Area 09

This Pandemic Questionnaire is produced for the District 4, Area 09 Archives and as such will not be reproduced for other uses and will remain in the custody of the District 4, Area 09 Archives.
















    17) Are you ok with your story or portions of being published in any publication; intergroup newsletter, Area/District webpage that observes the AA tradition of anonymity?
    This Pandemic Questionnaire is produced for the District 4, Area 09 Archives and as such will not be reproduced for other uses and will remain in the custody of the District 4, Area 09 Archives.