December 4, 2024


Notice of the regularly scheduled monthly business meeting was distributed via e-mail. The agenda and notice that District 04 meetings are regularly held on the 1st Wednesday of each month also appear on the District 04 website on the For GSRs, D04 Business meetings page, along with the materials for the meeting.

In-Person Attendees: 15
Online Attendees: 12


  1. Potluck Dinner begins – Thank you everyone for your delicious contributions. Everything was so good. It was fun!
  2. Call to Order and Welcome: Following the Serenity Prayer, the DCMC called the meeting to order and welcomed attendees at 7:11 pm. Late start was due to the late arrival of WIFI.
  3. Opening Prayer/Readings: Readings included the GSR Preamble read by Abbey S., Tradition Eleven from the Twelve Traditions Checklist read by John B, and Concept XII, from the Twelve Concepts Checklist read by Jim.
  4. Introduction of Guests, Visitors, and New GSRs: Welcome to Jill, a newcomer and first-time visitor to the meeting. Also welcome to zoom attendees, Evan, and Kevin. They are both newly elected GSRs – Evan from Huntington Beach and Kevin from the Long Beach WANGL meeting.
  5. Review and approve prior business meeting minutes: DCMC called for a review and discussion of the minutes submitted for previous meeting.
    1. MOTION: A motion was duly made by John B and seconded by Kimble to approve the District 04 business meeting minutes recorded on November 6, 2024. No discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
  6. Officer Reports
    1. Alt DCMC – Christian H:
      1. ASC: Coming on Sunday, December 8 at Lake Elsinore. There will be updates from District 04 delegate, Alex. This ASC meeting is important because the items that will be sent forward to the ASA Jan 2025 meeting will be decided. Please attend either online or in person.
    2. Secretary – Abbey S:
      1. Link to last month’s business meeting minutes – (Control + click to follow):
      2. Selected upcoming events listed below and additional events can be found at https://msca09aa.org/district-4/
      • 9th Hispanic Women’s Workshop: Dec 7, 2024, 9am-5pm at Hotel Ramada by Wyndham, 1217 Wildwood Ave, Sunnyvale. Zoom ID 407 803 1098, passcode 0000.
      • Hybrid AA Grapevine/Literature Workshop: Saturday, Dec 7, 2024 (10:30am-12:30pm). Cathedral City Senior Center, 37373 W. Buddy Rogers Ave., Cathedral City, CA 92234. Zoom Meeting ID: 811 3388 3970 with passcode 868895
      • ASC: Dec 8, 2024 (9am-3pm) Join ZOOM Meeting  HTTPS://US06WEB.ZOOM.US/J/81304509819?PWD=VKIZRGL2NUS3CKXXYMOWEM1BRNBJZZ09 Meeting ID: 813 0450 9819, Passcode: ASC. In person location – Lake Community Center, 310 W. Graham Ave. Lake Elsinore, CA 92530. Time: 8am Registration and Continental Breakfast. Meeting Time: 9am – 3pm
      • Commitments Workshop: Dec 14, 2024, 11am – 2:30pm. 2370 E. Orangethorpe Ave, Anaheim.
      • 61st International Women’s Conference: Jan 30-Feb 2, 2025. San Diego, CA at the Manchester Grand Hyatt.
      • PRAASA 2025: Save the Date for March 7-9, 2025. Anchorage, Alaska.
      • 2025 AA International Convention: July 3-6, 2025, Vancouver BC, Canada
      • “Game On” – 65th ICYPAA (International Convention of Young People in AA) Aug 28-31, 2025, at the Hilton Minneapolis (1001 S Marquette Av., Minneapolis, MN 55403, REGISTER NOW!
    3. Registrar – Julie G:
      1. All new GSRs should contact Julie G (949-620-2455) for information about completing the NEW GSR form which is available on the District’s website here. New GSR forms should be returned to the District 04 registrar via e-mail at registrar@longbeachaa.org.
      2. Julie asks that all GSRs ensure that they are registered so that when it is time for a new Registrar to be elected our records are up-to-date and ready for transfer.
      3. For more information about GSR school for new GSRs, please contact Debra L (562) 338-8255 or lund2@gmail.com
    4. Treasurer – Matthew L:

      1. Click on the link shown to view the financial report: https://longbeachaa.org/december-2024-finance-report/

    5. DCMC – Angela B:
      1. At the website msca09aa.org you will find
        1. Delegate’s page,
        2. the proposed agenda items for your review, and
        3. a complete summary of the Pacific Region Forum, 2024
      2. Angela plans to attend PRAASA next year.
      3. Regarding the group inventory, Angela requested that every GSR ask their respective groups the following question: “How can WE better serve YOUR group?”
      4. The delegate share back is scheduled for June 4, 2025
      5. Angela encourages all GSRs to subscribe to Box 459, a quarterly news bulletin from the U.S./Canada General Service Office. This newsletter includes information about A.A. service, literature, events, sharing from groups, service committees and individual U.S./Canada A.A. members.
      6. The first printing of the Plain Language BB was published and is already sold out in most locations. A second printing is underway and will be available in the near future.
  7. Standing Committee Reports:
    1. Website: Patrick O – gave the group a short presentation describing the considerable work that keeps our website up and operating. Thanks, Patrick, for that peek behind the scenes! Here is the link to Patrick’s presentation: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/14Cd5jrBEq5XlJxat0xkaEV72pqbv16Ib0YY5StdWa5U/edit?usp=sharing
    2. Cooperation with Professionals Committee: Gregory J – asked for group feedback on the CPC proposal to create a webpage on longbeachaa.org/ website for community professionals. Only one person reported taking the proposal to the group and they felt that the response was still one of confusion. There followed a good deal of Q&A discussion at the business meeting.
      1. Gregory explained the concept of outward facing as it relates to this proposal. Originally, the longbeachaa website was “inward facing” created for the use of GSRs. The CPC proposal, if accepted, would modify the website to include a page that could be accessed by community professionals seeking information about AA. Because the target for this information (community professionals) are outside the group, this is called an “outward facing” action.
      2. He also clarified for us the differences between CPC (Cooperation with the Professional Community Committee) and PI (Public Information Committee).
      3. Angela asked Abbey to send out the informational links to the group that Gregory had sent to officers previously. Again, the GSRs were charged with reading the information provided and taking the question to the groups. A vote to proceed will be forthcoming. The links sent to GSRs were:
        1. https://www.aabayarea.org/healthcare-professionals/
        2. https://www.cochrane.org/news/new-cochrane-review-finds-alcoholics-anonymous-and-12-step-facilitation-programs-help-people
    3. Corrections Committee: Jade M is stepping down
    4. Archives Committee: Maggie will step down at the end of the year
    5. Public Information Committee: John B
      1. John attended the annual Servathon that is part of Area Service and reports that it was a lot of fun with games and prizes, 2 great speakers, and plenty of opportunity to learn about service!
      2. He has distributed pamphlets to Cottonwood Fellowship, Good Shephard Presbyterian Church, Downey School District’s program for homeless children, La Casa Psychiatric Hospital, Cal State LB and LBCC, the VA mental hospital, LB Center, Senior Center, and DUI schools. All have been receptive to the pamphlets.
  8. DCM Reports:
    1. Southwest Region – Miguel G reports that there is a new GSR for WANGL group.
    2. Angela recalls for us that the DCM job is to be a GSR cheerleader! We should all try to make our work attractive to the AA community.
  9. Old Business:

    • Accessibility
    • Literature
    • Corrections
    • Archives (Jan 2025)


    • Young People in AA (Liaison)
    • Harbor Area Service Committee Liaison
    • Hospitals and Institutions Committee Chair


    • Southwest
    • Northeast
    • Men’s
    • Marina Pacifica
  10. A. A. Birthdays since the last meeting: Matthew L had 23 years on Nov 21.
  11. Announcements:
    1. Reminder to the group that the January 2025 business meeting will be held as a virtual-only meeting at 7pm on January 1, 2025.
    2. Please bring to our attention if you know of any marathon meetings occurring over the holiday season.

    * Remember to ask and discuss at your meetings/groups:

    1. How can WE better serve YOUR group?
    2. Proposed CPC modifications to add webpage to longbeachaa.org website intended to provide information to community professionals about AA.
  12. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned following the recitation of the A. A. Responsibility Statement at 8:30 PM
  13. Respectfully Submitted by:

    Abbey S.

    District 04 MSCA 09 Secretary


    For questions about these minutes, or issues about contact information or receipt of notifications, please contact the District Secretary @ secretary@longbeachaa.org


    Next Area Service Committee Meeting:

    Sunday, Dec 8, 2024, at Lake Community Center

    310 W. Graham Ave. Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 HTTPS://US06WEB.ZOOM.US/J/81304509819?PWD=VKIZRGL2NUS3CKXXYMOWEM1BRNBJZZ09 (Meeting ID: 813 0450 9819, Passcode: ASC).


    Next District 04 Meeting: Wednesday, Jan 1 @ 7:00 p.m.